Wednesday, November 9, 2011

I'm going to be 31

It is hard to believe that I am actually going to be 31. I was ready to turn 30. I knew that my youngest child would start school, and I would be starting a new era in my life. Well, the last year has been great. I told Paul, "I am a little worried that I am going to Die. I've done everything that I wanted to do." I got married, had three beautiful kids, and I have had the opportunity to be in film. Paul told me that I had better make some new goals.

So, I took his advice. I have made some really crazy new goals. I guess you could also call them dreams. I remember dreaming as a teenager. I would picture me kneeling at the alter of the temple. All I could see was hands holding mine. I would wonder who those hands belonged to, but I knew what I wanted. I could see it in my mind, and it happened.

If I take that same learning experience and put it into today's dreams all I have to do is picture it in my mind. With a picture in my head I will naturally begin to do those things that will make that dream become a reality.

It won't happen over night, but what I've learned is that it is truly more about the process. I wanted to do film at age 12 and it took until age 30 to finally be in a position that I could make that happen. It took years of learning and research to make it happen. I guess what I have realized is that the things we really want in life don't just happen without some effort and most of the time a lot of effort on our part.

So, here comes age 31. I think I am ready for this new year in my life, whatever may come my way, and it will are begin on Saturday!

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