Sunday, May 2, 2010

Connor's kindergarten project

In kindergarten the kids are give an assignment to research and animal and make a shadow box for that animal. Connor and I took a little trip to our local dollar store to find a animal. I wanted to keep this project as simple as possible. We did not have very much to choose from, but we left with a cute little penguin. Lucky for me a penguin's home is simple. Connor wanted to make a "crack", so we tried to make it look like it was stuck on a piece of ice. We had a good time learning and working together.It was fun to go into Connor class. He did a great job sharing about his animal, and it was fun to see what the other kids had made.

You may have noticed Connor's cute little nose. He got this nice scratch at school. I guess he fell at recess. You never know how your kid will return to you once you send them out into the world! We have almost survived kindergarten!

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