Thursday, August 26, 2010

Back to school

It is hard to believe that summer is over and the kids are back to school. I will be honest. I am one of those Mom's that loves to have my kids around, but is very pleased to send them off to school. The house stays cleaner and I don't have to play the role of referee. Bonnie has struggled a little. The first day the kids were gone she told me, "Mom I want to play with my brother or my sister or a friend. I can not play with my Brother or Sister, so I will have to play with a friend. I guess I will be setting up some play dates so one little girl isn't so lonely.

Hannah LOVES school. She would have been happy to go back a few weeks before she had. too. She likes her teacher and is discovering that she knows more of the kids in her class than she thought she did. Hannah's example has rubbed off on Connor. He was really excited to go to school this year. However, I was not surprised that he was done after day one. He thougth is was pretty cool to get to pack a lunch for school and then was excited for a chance to eat schoool lunch. I only let them eat on pizza day because I think they will actually eat the food. The idea of my money being thrown in the trash is very hard for me.
Bonnie has one more year at home with MOM. I hope we can find some fun activities to do together and strengthen our Mother Daughter bond. More than anything I hope we don't drive each other CRAZY!

I love my kids. It is fun to watch them growing up, and I look forward to hearing about their many adventures they have ahead of them this year.

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