During the Sunday school lesson a question was brought up about how we can remember the spiritual experiences we have. We have be told of the importance of recording the things we are being taught. On Saturday I was reminded of the importance of being in the right place and the right time. I really wasn't in the mood to go sit and listen. I really just wanted to go to bed. With some encouragement form my husband I changed into a skirt and headed for the stake center. I was a little late, so the meeting had all ready begun. I slipped into a seat. I was pleased to be able to sit all by myself with no distractions from listening. I wasn't surprised when the final speaker spoke words of finding God like happiness. I am sure their are probably other individuals through out the world that also needed to hear of his words, but for me it seamed at that time that his talk was written for me. His instructions were simple, and I felt like I maybe could possibly do the things he encouraged. I can do two simple things to be more like my Heavenly Father. I will continue to create things: projects, happy children, a good family. And I will continue to serve others with love.