Friday, December 31, 2010
What a Wonderful Week!
I love taking down from Christmas. It is amazing how much bigger and cleaner the living room looks when all the extra stuff is put away. Don't get me wrong, I enjoy having the cute decorations and things that sparkle all around the house for a month. However, I always look forward to putting it all away.
Our family was blessed with the stomach flu. It didn't last long, but it was really nice to have a couple of days just for our family. I believe just about everyone of Hannah's friends called that day, and the best part was when I had to tell them that she was sick and could not play Hannah didn't get upset. The kids spent the whole day just playing together.
This has been such a wonderful winter break. It has been so nice to have a break from homework. I have loved sleeping in. I think I have woken up around 8:50 almost everyday this week. I even took a little break from working out. Although, my body dose feel so much better after getting up and exercising this morning.
I am so grateful that I got to spend the last week of this year getting things more organized around my house. I feel like I have gotten things done and that is a good feeling. The challenge when it comes to organization, house cleaning, and trying to stay fit. None of these things last. They are all things that have to been done over and over again. What I know is that if you do a little at a time; put things away when your are done with them, clean the bathrooms and vacuum weekly, exercise and eat better foods it is so much easier to keep up with everything. It is when life gets too busy and we don't make time to simply keep up with life we no longer get to enjoy it. My Goal for this new year is to keep life simple. I have heard countless talks from leaders of the church trying to remind me that life needs to be simple. It is good to have some down time. The first thing for me to learn is that it is OK if I don't have a long list of things to do each day, but to make sure that I don't idle the time that I have away.
Friday, December 10, 2010
Think and Speak or Speak and Think?
In a conversation with a friend yesterday I was describing an individual. I used the term "White Trash" to explain them. I have heard and used this term many times and never really thought much about it. If you are wondering if I was talking about you, the answer is NO.
This morning my mind was just wondering as I was getting ready, and the thought came to me, "You should NEVER describe someone as TRASH." I thought for a moment what trash is to me. Things that are waste, something broken, something no good, something I no longer want to keep. People are NOT TRASH. They may be rough, have a hard life, and even look run down, but that does not make them trash.
I realized today that it is important to stop and think about things that we say. Sometimes when we say things just playing around those are the moments we hurt someone. I recall being told often that I am mean or rude. I have the personality that when told something like that my first reaction is to say I will show you have not seen anything yet. If you think I am mean just wait, and honestly I am a NICE pearson. It is easy to rude and selfIt only depends on what you are focusing on when you speak with you. My very favorite saying I learned from a sociology class is, "I am what I think you think that I am". I can not remember what famous sociologist termed this, but it is so true. We influence what others think about them selves. For good or for bad. What we say to our children and are neighbors is equally important. This doesn't stop after you turn a certain age. We continue to make in impact on others our entire life.
Think and then speak or speak and then think. No matter what we do I realized that I need to more often take a little time and think about what I am saying about others. I believe it does make a difference.
Friday, December 3, 2010
Dave Ramsey
Thursday, December 2, 2010
Short Film
Real Life!
As an adult I have this idea in my mind that I should have a beautiful clean home with kids that say please and thank you and play nicely with each other all the time. In real life I have a very nice home that has clean toilets for about a minute and clean laundry for maybe five minutes. My children love to tease each other just to see how the other will react, and would choose to go play with a friend over being home playing with their siblings.
As I began to get very frustrated yesterday with my life I began to realize that the problem is not with my life. The problem is with my expectation of my life. My life is just like everyone else. My kids sometimes fight and disobey, but other times they are so fun to watch as they play together and surprise me when they do what I ask the first time I ask them. Yes, my house is not perfectly clean, but we live here and play here, and are learning how to function as a family.
What we imagine our life to be is not always reality, but those ideas that we place in our minds gets us closer to what we desire. I will continue to want children that always obey and a home that is meticulously clean. If I stop hoping for those things I will lose my desire to discipline my kids and continue the every day clean up around the house. However, I realize how important it is to not get so caught up in this idea of what life should be and realize that this is REAL LIFE I am living, and for the most part it is REAL GOOD.
Monday, November 29, 2010
Thanksgiving a time to be Grateful
Monday, November 22, 2010
One True Church?
What to do with SNOW?
Thursday, November 18, 2010
Thursday, November 11, 2010
Looking back over the last 10 years
While 21 I took on the name of Mother.
26 years old. I had the opportunity to be with family back in Utah. Paul and I learned new skills while moving into our home. After only a short three months of living in our new home I was called to serve as Relief Society President.
I can honestly say that I have never been more excited for a new year. As I look back at the last 10 years of my life. One thing that is certain is that I have been very blessed. I am blessed to have a very hard working husband. Who also is very supportive. I have been given three wonderful children. I have been blessed with health. As I looked over pictures it is crazy the many different shapes and sizes my body has been over the last 10 years. It will never be what it was, but thanks to the insanity program my pants are fitting, and that would put a smile on any girls face.
I know if I continue to work hard and most importantly make an effort to follow promptings from the spirit. The next year, five years, or even 10 years will be just as good as the last ten!
Monday, November 1, 2010
Hannah was a red Fairy
Connor was a Bakugan Master
Friday, October 1, 2010
Egg Drop
Hannah's teacher works very hard to make sure that the kids are listening and doing what they are suppose to be doing.
If you can not tell very well the egg is placed between three balloons, and the balloons are held together by tape. Paul put one together the week prior to the egg drop to show me that it would work. He took it outside and simply tossed it in the air. The kids thought it was to much fun to each take a turn and through it around. It held up really well until Connor through it and it landed in the grass the balloons popped, but the egg still held together. At that point I told Paul, "well, I guess this should work as long as the surface it is landing on is not grass."
I guess the kids were suppose to learn about disappointment, but lets be honest we all know that life is so much nicer when you don't have to be disappointed. I am sure that Hannah will have plenty of opportunities in life to learn about disappointment. I was pleased to see a smile on her face and a proud Dad who helped make that possible.
How Does Your Garden Grow?
Looking at my flowers it often reminds me of my Grandma Bonnie. When she would visit my family she enjoyed driving around Salt Lake looking at all the flowers around people's homes. I can not say that I will ever be some lover of gardening, But I did enjoy having flowers outside our house. Who knows maybe one of these years we just might enjoy a vegetable garden to along with our flowers.
One Crazy BUG!
Saturday, September 18, 2010
Stickng with Insanity.
I am pleased that I can finally start to feel a difference it makes it easier to keep it up. During the first couple weeks it is a lot of work and the results are so minimal. I had to keep reminding myself that it took more than two weeks to put on the extra weight it is going to take more than two weeks to take it off. Life is good if the only INSANE thing in your life is your workout!
Saturday, August 28, 2010
Just a little different
Thursday, August 26, 2010
Back to school
Bonnie has one more year at home with MOM. I hope we can find some fun activities to do together and strengthen our Mother Daughter bond. More than anything I hope we don't drive each other CRAZY!
I love my kids. It is fun to watch them growing up, and I look forward to hearing about their many adventures they have ahead of them this year.